Georgina,Ontario - York Region Real Estate Market infographic- February 2018

Wednesday Mar 28th, 2018


Georgina, Ontario Infographic - The average size of a home  in Georgina, Ontario has  3 bedroom and  2 washrooms $516,891 is the average list price of a home in Georgina, Ontario .There are currently  267  homes for sale  in Georgina, Ontario .only 61 homes sold  meaning that there is only  4.4 months of inventory  months of  real estate inventory avalible  in Georgina, Ontario Georgina, Ontario % LIST/SALE RATIO was  97% Georgina, Ontario highest sale price  for the month  was  $499,989 Georgina, Ontario lowest  real estate  sale price was $455,000 Georgina, Ontario Median hom sale price  for the  month was $519,644 Georgina, Ontario average real estate taxes for  the month were $3,208 Georgina, Ontario average days on market  for a  property listed for sale was 28 days . 

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