Sunday Oct 11th, 2020
Sunday Oct 11th, 2020
ShareThursday Jan 5th, 2017
Share"Historic Lakeshore Communities" in Georgina has an average list price of $699,150. The average sale price for "Historic Lakeshore Communities" is $667,313 with an averagesale to list price ratio of 97 percent. The average time a listing spends on the market is 21 days. A total of 8 listings sold. The average house for sale in Historic Lakeshore Communities has 3 Bedrooms and 3 Washrooms. Leave me your e-mail... [read more]
Sunday Jan 8th, 2017
ShareIn December 2016, Keswick South in Georgina has an average list price of $455,356. The average sale price for Keswick South is $472,611 with an average sale to list price ratio of 105 percent. The average time a listing spends on the market is 14 days. A total of 9 listings sold. The average house has 3 Bedrooms and 2 Washrooms. To receive early access to the full report, leave your e-mail below! Keswick South real estate information - infographic showing house prices,... [read more]
Wednesday Jan 11th, 2017
ShareGeorgina Real Estate Market Neighbourhoods Georgina, Ontario is located in York Region. Georgina represents the northernmost part of the Greater Toronto Area, and is situated approximately 45 minutes north of Toronto. Georgina's real estate market is represented by 8 sub-markets as defined by the Toronto Real Estate Board: Baldwin Belhaven Historic Lakeshore Communities Keswick North Keswick South Pefferlaw Sutton & Jackson's... [read more]
Friday Feb 3rd, 2017
ShareHistoric Lakeshore Communities is a real estate sub-market in Georgina, Ontario on the Toronto Real Estate Board. In "Historic Lakeshore Communities", real estate listings have an average list price of $917,864 , and an average sale price of $887,636 . The average list to sale price ratio of homes for sale in "Historic Lakeshore Communities" was 98 percent. Real estate taxes, on average, were $6,046 in "Historic Lakeshore Communities"The average time a... [read more]
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