Keswick South - May 2018 Real Estate Market Report
Monday Jun 18th, 2018
Keswick South Infographic the average size of a home in Keswick South has 3 bedroom and 3 washrooms $575,215 is the average list price of a home in Keswick South .There are currently 85 homes for sale in Keswick South .only 55 homes sold meaning that there is only 4.7 months of real estate inventory avalible in Keswick South Keswick South 0 was - Keswick South highest sale price for the month was $565,722 Keswick South lowest real estate sale price was $515,000 Keswick South Median hom sale price for the month was $575,771 Keswick South average real estate axes for the month were $3,572 Keswick South average days on market for a property listed for sale was 22

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