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Bidding Wars: the economic inefficiency of real estate

Wednesday Mar 3rd, 2021


At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I honestly believe that bidding wars are among the greatest economic inefficiencies ever produced by the real estate market. In 2017, we saw a pretty wild market, with real-time price discovery being the greatest challenge of buyers, sellers, and realtors alike. As a result, we saw the arbitrary underpricing of properties that led to even more arbitrary firm offers being submitted. Ultimately, this created risk for buyers, sellers, and lenders as we... [read more]

Covid-eo Chats: Bahador Khani from PowerHourTalks

Friday Apr 10th, 2020


00:00 yeah so if you could just give me a 00:01 brief introduction of you know you're 00:03 interested in real estate I know you've 00:05 been you know you've had some success in 00:07 the investment side of things and you 00:09 trade it a little bit for in the past 00:12 and if you could you just explain kind 00:14 of from start to finish like from... [read more]

Is Toronto's obsession with the CN tower stifling condo supply?

Monday Sep 16th, 2019


The CN tower is Toronto's baby. It's our landmark and the face of our city. It may also have a role in Toronto's housing supply shortage by suppressing supertall development near it. I remember distinctly during my time at Cornell's CIRECC event in New York City, both of the two tallest buildings in NYC were being built. Each of the developers were at the CIRECC event as judges, and in dialogue with the 432 Park developer, I learned that their site 432 Park Avenue was going... [read more]

The burning Amazon, and real estate as an information system

Monday Aug 26th, 2019


Real estate is a technology. I've had this idea marinating in my head for a little while that is sort of an expansion of the concept I've already communicated I believe in: real estate is a technology. Land is the surface of a floating rock in space we're lucky enough to exist upon. It is a piece of the universe. Real estate, then, is an expansion upon it. Through this system, we interact with the world, and with one another. Real estate is a collection of technologies... [read more]

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