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People vs. Property in the attention economy.

Wednesday Jul 24th, 2019


The attention economy. We currently live in the most attention-scarce market in history. This requires people who serve products and services to that market to adapt at an accelerating pace. Things follow this rule in a variety of industries, even ones that operate on longer cycles, including politics, as we've learned.  The most epitomic illustration of this can be found in Netflix's documentary called "The Big Hack". When I look at this solely from the perspective... [read more]

The arrival of real estate opportunism: May 9 Covid-19 weekly market update

Sunday May 10th, 2020


It seems like we've pretty progressively found a temporary new normal, with little change in most major metrics. The big one to watch for now is going to be price, which could be gradually dragged down by excess supply. In the microeconomic outlook, it appears we're already seeing opportunism propping up the market on a transactional basis, as we've bounced off fundamentals without rebounding from suppressed capitalization rates we saw in the past few years. It seems like... [read more]

Long distance calling costs & rural real estate demand

Monday Aug 5th, 2019

unlimited mobile data internet will change the way we use rural real estate

Long-distance calling costs once played a role in purchase decisions. A few days ago, I was preparing a bit of a commentary on Rogers’ introduction of unlimited data. I was trying to conclude how unlimited data may play a role in making rural living a little bit more attractive. As an example, I can now stream Netflix at the cottage in Dwight, where Season 3 of Stranger Things would’ve previously cost me $250. Completely independent of my thought-gathering... [read more]

Week of April 17: Covid-19 Real Estate Market Update for York Region

Friday Apr 17th, 2020


Last week I started increasing my real estate market reporting to include weekly updates. Reverse engineering: My secondary objective for this increased coverage is to learn what a recovery scenario might look like, and to be able to understand the shape it will take. Until that happens, I'll likely continue this practice. My primary objective for this increased coverage is to monitor the important indicators that we can use in an attempt to determine whether nor not we... [read more]

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