3 hidden ways coronavirus is going to impact the real estate market.

Thursday Mar 12th, 2020


Coronavirus, more formally known as the disease Covid-19, and the infection Sars-Cov-2, just became a lot more real for North Americans, as it's finally permeated our two favourite things, the economy, and pop-culture. There is a travel ban between Europe & USA. All major indices are in bear-market territory. The NBA is shutting down, an NBA all star is infected (and touched a bunch of microphones as a joke), Tom Hanks and his partner are infected, etc. etc. Covid is obviously a thing,... [read more]

Covid-eo Chats: Bahador Khani from PowerHourTalks

Friday Apr 10th, 2020


00:00 yeah so if you could just give me a 00:01 brief introduction of you know you're 00:03 interested in real estate I know you've 00:05 been you know you've had some success in 00:07 the investment side of things and you 00:09 trade it a little bit for in the past 00:12 and if you could you just explain kind 00:14 of from start to finish like from... [read more]



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